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Pesky Glitches

Tonight I resolved a minor glitch that had my eye twitching for a short while. Upon opening the site, the panel 2 lightbox was appearing no matter what I asked it to go. In the end it seems like Wix just takes a little finesse to make things move fluidly. It feels like the same types of errors as in coding. The frustration of "I told you to do the thing, what do you need!?" but no amount of shouting gets it fixed.

No amount of procrastinating is going to finish this comic, either.

I have 34 panels and I promised myself at least 36. Problem is, I can't end things smoothly at 36. My own story is holding me accountable for all 40 it seems, which, I suppose that was how it was meant to be. Tomorrow my goal is to draft out two more and see what happens.

As a happy note, the porab plushies are coming along. All the machine sewing is done and Rachel is putting her finishing touches on them. She has agreed to sell following the event because they are a fairly simple design for her to put together I guess. Not only do I get to see them come to life, she gets to make a little coin on the deal and I'm supporting another student's craft. Win-win type of deal.

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