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Finished Not Perfect

As I get to this late stage of the game and only have a couple weeks or less to finish up this volume of the comic, I'm having to repeat the title's mantra more and more. It's a phrase stolen from Jake Parker to be kept in one's head in order to keep in mind what's the most important aspect of a project: Make sure the damn thing ships. It might not be the most perfect thing, but it will be a tangible thing that I can print and share, and that's one full cycle of the process completed.

Cool, now onto the next one.

I really started thinking about this tonight (okay it's 12:05AM) in discovering a tool on Procreate that would have made a difference throughout. It still could make a difference, in fact, if only I would have taken the time to do some software tutorials before diving head-in. Honestly though, that's kind of the stage I'm at right now. It's my first dive into being a content creator like this so I should expect some of those rash decisions to happen. Now it makes me more excited for the next round and what I'm going to change.

I'm not going back to implement this missed tool because the project is underway and it is said and done. I worry that mass changes will be a sidetrack toward the ultimate goal, which is once again, finished, not perfect.

I know this doesn't sound like the graphic designer mantra strangely, when, it was graphic design that got me to this point in the first place... kind of. It's a complicated relationship where I've spent all this time with GD but I've always been looking past GD's shoulder toward something else that was out the window. That was Illustration. So I'm here, I'm doing it (or trying to), and I'm going to make it happen. I think a graphic design background will strengthen that all the same so I couldn't call my time with it as a loss.

It's funny how a simple blunder with learning a new tool (too late) can lead into a full on ramble at midnight over the project, but I think they call that passion.

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